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TeenTech comes to Town!

The Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust (WBCT) and East Hampshire District Council held their final TeenTech on Friday 12th July. This aims to introduce the children of Whitehill & Bordon to the broad range of career possibilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Founded in 2008 by Chris Dodson and Tomorrow World presenter, Maggie Philbin, TeenTech are an award-winning organisation that run fun and lively initiatives to help young people discover the wide range of career opportunities in the STEM industries. Maggie said “We are delighted to be working with Whitehill & Bordon and look forward to the inspiring ideas and innovative thinking from young people to help develop the much-needed ideas for the world of tomorrow”



Hosted by celebrity broadcaster and TeenTech Patron, Dallas Campbell he and Teen Tech presenters guided children through the workshops, using a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to inspire and offer a valuable insight into the world of STEM. Dallas said; “We need creative solutions wildly different from our old ways of thinking, which will rely on imagination and a bold new approach to science and engineering from young people.” The students from Weyford, Woodlea, Bordon Juniors and St Matthews were also be joined by local companies and businesses who will share first hand their experiences of working in the STEM sector.

The children had a fabulous insight into the “First Moon Landing” and Dallas Campbell shared with them the technology of Space Suits and how they have changed over the years. Along with many other factors involved in space travel. They were then invited to interact with the local business where they built bridges and explored up to date technologies before presenting to a panel of judges their “City of the Future”.

If only the judges had had a gold button!! Every team deserved it!


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