With applications welcome from Monday 22 March 2021, the Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust is making a commitment to the young people of Whitehill & Bordon with a new Small Grants Fund.
In 2021 we will award 3 grants of £1,000 to enable 3 young people to realise a personal ambition, or maybe a skill they’d like to develop further, or even buy a piece of equipment that would support their interests. We only ask that applicants are under the age of 25, live within our *Area of Benefit and that their application meets the criteria of the Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust, as follows…
To demonstrate quality and aspire to be excellent
To encourage inclusiveness through social engagement and participation across the community
To boost the cultural and artistic life of the town
To promote healthy living and sport
To foster entrepreneurship and skills development
For an application form please contact Trust Manager, Sian Manning on 01420 558085 or via email to info@wbcommunitytrust.co.uk.
The closing date for applications is Monday 3 May 2021 and if you’d like an informal chat before submitting your application please contact Sian Manning.
*Area of Benefit means the town of Whitehill & Bordon and its immediate neighbouring villages including Lindford, Headley, Standford and Passfield